Old Bayview Cemetery

West Broadway Street | Waco Street | Ramirez Street | Padre Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Let Something Be Done

The Caller thinks it high time that some of the older citizens of Corpus Christi, those who have dear friends and relatives buried in the city cemetery, were holding a meeting and forming an association for the purpose of keeping up the graves. We are positive that if the ladies take hold of the matter it will be a success. We have heard several ladies express themselves of late as willing to take an interest in such an association. A meeting should be held atan early day, officers elected and committees appointed, one to solicit aid, and one, composed of old residents, to go into the cemetery with “Uncle Anthony� and locate and mark graves. Brush and old broken down fences should be removed, and wherever the committee decides there is a grave, let the ground be mounded and stake, marked unknown, be put up. The sooner this matter is attended to, the better it will be, because many graves are fast being lost sight of, and will of course be disturbed by new burials before very long. Many graves have already been lost sight of. When the committee completes this work the city council should permit no more burials or removal of remains without the consent or knowledge of the Cemetery association, whose business, among other things, should be to keep trace of all graves. The Caller believes that there are people living abroad, many of them former citizens of this town, who, having relatives and old friends buried here would promptly respond to a call for a contribution from the committee for the repairing and preserving of the graves and sign boards.

Caller, 24 July 1896, page 6 col. 4.
Research and transcription: Michael A. Howell
Article on Confederate Monument—June 30, 1899