Old Bayview Cemetery

West Broadway Street | Waco Street | Ramirez Street | Padre Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

News Items, 1899-1901

Article C.C.Caller of 13 January 1899

The Bay View Cemetery association in its meeting at Mrs. Wrather’s last Monday afternoon; re-elected its old board of directors as follows: Mrs. Geo. Greer, Mrs. W. H. Griffin, Mrs. H. Sutherland, Sr., Mrs. W. B. Wrather and Mrs. E. T. Merriman.  Mrs. Griffin was re-elected president of the association; Mrs. Merriman, vice-president; Mrs. L. C. Anderson, secretary; E. T. Merriman, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Jessie Clark, treasurer.  Mrs. Sutherland was elected chairman of the executive committee, and Mrs. Maggie Dreyer, chairman of the visiting committee.  The proposition of Geo. Graves to act as sexton for the old cemetery was accepted.

Source: Corpus Christi Caller, 13 January 1899, page 3 col. 1
Research and transcription: Michael A. Howell

Article C.C.Caller of 26 May 1899

The Bay View Cemetery association is having the old cemetery thoroughly cleansed out this week, the weeds, etc., being cut down and removed.  The CALLER also learns that a plumber is preparing an estimate of the cost of laying the water pipe into the cemetery.

Source: Corpus Christi Caller, 26 May 1899, page 5 col. 2
Research and transcription: Michael A. Howell

Article C.C.Caller of 24 May 1901

The old Bay View cemetery is getting a thorough cleaning up this week, the best it has had in a long time.  The idea at first was to clean the walks, also the graves of those whose relatives have moved away.  We are requested now to say to parties living here and having private enclosures, that they can have them cleaned free of charge, if they will go to the cemetery and instruct the men at work there, and who will be there for two or three days yet.

Source: Corpus Christi Caller, 24 May 1901, page 5 col. 3
Research and transcription: Michael A. Howell

Article C.C.Caller of 7 June 1901

The old Bay View cemetery is cleaner now than it has been in many years.  Let those who have private enclosures there assist the ladies in keeping it so.

Source: Corpus Christi Caller, 7 June 1901, page 5 col. 3
Research and transcription: Michael A. Howell