First Burial

News article about possible first burial, 1884

John Henderson, an old citizen of this place, now residing in Starr County, was in town last week. Mr. Henderson says that in 1845 he was a soldier in the U. S. Infantry, Company I, stationed at this place, when a number of the men were taken sick with diarrhea from drinking impure water. The first man to die was a German named Engenspiehl and they buried him on the hill, where is now our present city cemetery. Mr. H. is positive this soldier was the first person to be buried there, just 39 years ago. Our informant says he helped to fire a salute over his grave, and doubts if any of his old company are living today. Mr. Mullen who died here a few years ago, was a soldier at this place at the time but belonged to another company.

Source: Corpus Christi Caller, September 14, 1884, p. 5, col. 3
Research by: Msgr. Michael A. Howell
Transcription by: Geraldine D. McGloin, Nueces County Historical Commission