West Broadway Street | Waco Street | Ramirez Street | Padre Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
Age at Death: 2 years, 18 days
Date of Death: December 6, 1884
Interment source:
Daughters of the American Republic, Corpus Christi Chapter. Texas
Marriage Records of Nueces County: Wills, Cemetery, Church and Bible Records. Compiled by Mrs. C. C. Miller and Annie Laura McFadin. Daughters of the American Revolution, Corpus Christi Chapter, 1957.
Obituary of May Gertrude Barrett
DIED BARRETT- In Corpus Christi, Dec. 6, 1884, at 2:15 p.m., MAY GERTRUDE, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Barrett age 3 years 2 month and 18 days. The Caller sympathizes with the bereaved parents.
Source: Corpus Christi Caller, December 7, 1884, p. 4, col. 6
In memory of little May Barrett
(From the Presbyterian Sabbath School)
“When the string is once broken,
Thou __________ the pearls fall away!�
Only a short time has past since the Great Reaper came into our midst and bore one of our number to the heavenly home. Now we are again called upon to “weep with those who weep� In the death of little May, so early transplanted from earth. While our hearts go out in deep pity to the bereaved parents for their great sorrow, yet, with eye of faith we bid them look up; and we would say, “ Not lost, but gone before;� not out in the cold and darkness, but into the eternal glory and presence of the ransomed; not wandering desolate and alone, but gathered up with that throng of precious little ones, a “multitude greater than any man can number�- there ever sheltered with Him who says, “ Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.�
G. R. SCOTT, supt. Corpus Christi, Dec. 20, 1884
Source: Corpus Christi Caller, December 28, 1884, p. 5, col. 2
Research by: Msgr. Michael A. Howell
Transcription by: Geraldine D. McGloin, Nueces County Historical Commission