Old Bayview Cemetery

West Broadway Street | Waco Street | Ramirez Street | Padre Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Christian F. Heisselholdt

C. F. Heisselholdt
Co H.
10th U. S. Inf.

Christian F. Heisselholdt Headstone

Photo Credit: Rosa G. Gonzales

1.  News article, 1893

Edward Kilmer
Christian Heisselholdt
Julian Garza
Samuel McComb
James Downing

The Tombstones for the U. S. soldiers’ Graves Have Arrived

Through the instrumentality of Mr. E. J. Kilmer, member of the local G.A.R. Post, fourteen tombstones have arrived in Corpus Christi, to be placed at the head of the graves of the United States soldiers buried in the cemeteries of this city. These stones are each 3 feet high, 4 inches thick, and 10 inches wide.  Many of the soldiers whose graves they will mark were well-known citizens of Corpus Christi.

The following comprises the list of the honored dead over whose graves the tombstones will be placed next week, under the supervision of Mr. Kilmer: Patrick Farrell, First New Orleans Infantry, Company C, Died August 20, 1869;  Silvario Villegas, First Texas Cavalry, Company K, Died August 20, 1876;  Nicholas Gorgan, Seventh U. S. Infantry, Company I, Died January 7, 1856; Thomas H. Murray, First New Orleans Infantry, Company C, Died 1867;  Denis McCoy, Seventh U. S. Infantry, Company A, Died October 17, 1875; Wm. S. Shaw, Seventh U. S. Infantry, Company A, Died March 28, 1865; Patrick McCabe, Seventh U. S. Infantry Company I, Died May 4, 1875; Commissary Sergeant Samuel McComb, First New Orleans Volunteer Infantry, Company A, Died September 11, 1867; Andrew W. Hyndam _____ Infantry, Company B, Died September 4 186_; Christian F. Heisselholdt, Tenth U. S. Infantry, Company H, Died September 29, 1869Lieut. James Downing, Thirty-sixth F. S. Colored Troop, Died April 28, 1891; Capt. Cesario Falcon, First Texas Cavalry Company K, Died June 18, 1888;  Julian Garza, First Texas Cavalry Company N, Died May 7, 1890; Narcisso Hernandez, First Texas Cavalry, Company I, Died July 1, 1891

Source: Corpus Christi Weekly Caller, May 19, 1893, p 6, col. 5

Research by:  Michael A. Howell

Transcription by:  Geraldine D. McGloin, Nueces County Historical Commission


2.  Biography

Christian Frederick Hesselholdt (spelling according to his enlistment papers) was a private in the U. S. Infantry who died of a “Remittent Fever� while serving at Corpus Christi, Texas.  Christian was born in Denmark about 1838.  In his enlistment papers he says he was already a soldier by occupation.  He enlisted (or possibly this is actually a re-enlistment since he lists his occupation as soldier) on December 1, 1866 in Brooklyn, New York to serve for a period of 3 years. This would mean his term of service was nearly ended when he died on September 29, 1869 while stationed in Corpus Christi as a private in the Infantry.  His gravestone says he was serving in Company H of the 10th U. S. Infantry at the time though his enlistment papers show he was had initially been assigned to the 17th Regiment of the U. S. Infantry.  His enlistment papers also describe Christian Frederick as having grey eyes, brown hair, light complexion, and a height of 5 feet and 8 and 1/4th inches.  He says in his declaration as a recruit that he has neither wife nor child so Christian left no close family to mourn his passing when he died far from his native Denmark and his adopted home of New York.

Research and transcription: Michael A. Howell